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11 Jun 2012

Uploading Shell in Joomla

Hey all today i will be telling you all about uploading shell in joomla.

So without wasting time lets start our work____!!! 

1. Suppose we have an access to joomla admin.

2. After logging in we will get inside the site from where we can edit and do many things with the database. As shown in image below.


 3. The go to Extensions and inside that Template Manage. As shown in below image.

4. After getting in template manager we will see all the templates installed on the site.

5. As we can see marking in red it has the star. It shows its the default template used by the sites currently. Select any of the template like i am taking beez.

6. Once we click on beez we will see something as shown in below image.

After that click on Edit html.

7. Once you clicked on edit html you will see something as shown in below image.

As we can see the red part /templates/beez/index.php that is the path of your shell.

9. Now paste your shell code over there and save it.

 10. As soon as we  click on save. it will take us to page were it will shows Template source saved

Once that is done we can access our shell. Path of the shell would be 

  I hope you all enjoyed this tutorial and if u feel any confusion or problem then you may ask in comments. 


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