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14 May 2012

DNS Poisoning( Basics) - Part 1

Hey awl :) today i will be telling you all about basics of DNS poisoning  :)

Okay firstly we move on let us see that what is DNS first of all. I think you all know that internet works on TCP/IP model also you can say internet stack.Also you all know that there is a specific ip to route data between source and destination system.

Each and every computer in the world that is connected in network have an IP address. Although remembering IP addresses are difficult as each  IP address is associated with a name like and  is also known as domain name. Domain names are easy to remember but original TCP/IP stack needs IP address for communication not the domain name.

So a service has been created to convert these domain names into their respective IP addresses, this service is known as Domain Name Service (DNS), a computer or system which provides this service is known as Domain Name System. Now you can call it a coincidence that Domain Name Service and Domain Name System both end having same abbreviation DNS and the best part they don't even conflict with each other while using.

DNS runs on DNS Protocol which converts web address into IP address. Through this you will get a idea of what is DNS Poisoning .

DNS pisoning or DNS Spoofing is a technique through which an attacker provides worng IP address to DNS server for misdirecting users to fake websites.

There are exactly four types of DNS Poisoning 

1--> Intranet DNS Spoofing/Poisoning

2--> Internet DNS Spoofing/Poisoning 

3--> Proxy Server DNS Spoofing/Poisoning

4-->  DNS Cache Spoofing/Poisoning

This tut provides you the basics of DNS Poisoning/Spoofing .In next tut i will be telling you all about first type of DNS Poisoning/Spoofing that is Intranet DNS Spoofing/Poisoning


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