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16 May 2012

DNS Poisoning( Intranet DNS Poisoning ) - Part 2

Hey all :) In diz tut we will be discussing about Intranet Based DNS Posioning.

Intranet DNS Poisoning attack is done over a LAN which has been ARP poisoned.Since I already told you all about ARP Poisoning . For performing this DNS poisoning attack you'll need at least three computers connected in LAN for which a same router, switch or computer should act as gateway and any man-in-the-middle attack tool.

This attack works well for switched network, a hub based network will also work but result will not be as effective as switched network.  

For performing this attack follow me step by step

STEP 1--> First of all download any MITM tool. For this tut i am taking example of  Cain and Cable.
So download and and install it. Also ARP Poison your victim. For that you can prefer my tut on ARP Poisioning.

STEP 2--> Now click on  APR-DNS and add a host name to it.

For  example Suppose I wanna poison entry of For that  specify IP address of 
website you want to redirect traffic, if you want to redirect traffic for to click on Resolve type in it and IP address field with the IP address of So now whenever anyone in LAN will try to browse to facebook will redirect to

Intranet DNS poisoning is easiest and doesn't require any technical skills because you don't have to setup a DNS server but for all other methods you must know how to setup DNS server.



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