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25 Jun 2012

Hacking With Fast-Track

Hey all in this tutorial i will be telling you all about hacking with Fast Track. So without wasting time lets start our work.

What Is Fast Track ?

Fast Track is a compilation of custom developed tools that allow penetration testers the ease of advanced penetration techniques in a relatively easy manner.
Some of these tools utilize the Metasploit framework in order to successfully create payloads, exploit systems, or interface within compromised systems.

It makes it very easy for pen testers to exploit  the client side data,improper,patch management etc.It has dependencies on metasploit,SQLite,FreeTDS etc. 


Using Fast-Track For Payload Generation

There are three interface available for fast track on backtrack 5, i will show you how to generate payload by using fast track, you can use fast track web interface too for different purposes like auto-pwn.

Ok so follow me 

1. Click on

 Applications-->Backtrack-->Exploitation tools-->Network exploitation tools-->Fast-Track-->fasttrack-interactive

After opening fasttrack-interactive you will see something as shown in below image.


  2. You will get the first window that is menu windows,in that  enter number 8 that is payload generator.

 3.  Now it will ask you about payload enter number 2 that is "Reverse_TCP Meterpreter".


 4.   Now we need to encode our payload so that it can easily bypass antivirus software's and IDS. I will be using option 2 i.e. shikata_ga_nai.

 5. On the next step  we have to enter IP address of the victim than port number. If you dont know how to scan for ports and all then you can read my tutorial on Nmap.

After that select the type of payload either EXE or shell code. For this tutorial I will be choosing EXE.

6. Now a file name payload.exe has been created, you can get the file by going on filesystem-->pentest>exploit-->fasttrack-->payload.exe.

Now use  some social engineering technique to run this payload on the victim system than on the fast-track window start listing your payload to get our work done. If  everything goes  fine then you will get the command window of the victim. 

I hope you all enjoyed this tutorial and if u feel any confusion or problem then you may ask in comments.


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