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18 Jun 2012

Amritage - Cyber Attack Management

Hey all in this tutorial i will be tellig you all about amritage. I think you all must have heard about amritage. Armitage is a graphical cyber attack management tool for Metasploit that visualises your targets, recommends exploits, and exposes the advanced capabilities of the framework.
So i suggest you to read about metasploit firstly if u havent read it.

What Is Amritage ?

Armitage is a comprehensive red team collaboration tool for Metasploit that visualizes targets, recommends exploits, and exposes the advanced post-exploitation features in the framework.
 Also when metasploit and armitage meet to each other than they make a powerful cyber management tool for doing pentesting on the network(s). Armitage allow your team to use the same sessions, share data, and communicate through one Metasploit instance. It is very helpful tool to learn about the cyber security because it provides a graphical interface instead of command line.

Installing Amritage

Amritage is already installed in Backtrack. For opening just follow the directories given below

Application--Backtrack--Exploitation Tools--Network Exploitation Tools--Metasploit Framework--Amritage

Installing Amritage In Linux/Ubuntu

To install amritage in backtrack we can use simple command but note before executing this application you must be you must be a root user.
So open your terminal and type

  $ sudo su 

# apt-get install armitage 

We also need to enable RPC daemon for metasploit .

For that open terminal and type

  root@bt:~# msfrpcd -f -U msf -P test -t Basic

Now we have to start MYSQL server so that amritage stores result

For that open terminal and type

    root@bt:~# /etc/init.d/mysql start

Now time comes to start our amritage.

For that open terminal and type 

root@bt:/pentest/exploits/armitage# ./

After applying the following command   a new window must be appear, setup the default host name if you want to use SSL than tick on it.

Armitage connect.png

 Installing Amritage In Windows

For installing amritage in windows follow me step by step

(1) Download and Install the Metasploit Framework from

(2) Go to Start -> All Programs -> Metasploit Framework -> Metasploit Update

  Note-->  Don't skip this step or you will have headaches later. If Metasploit tells you
    any Armitage files conflict, then delete the files and repeat this step.

(3) Go to Start -> All Programs -> Metasploit Framework -> MSF Console. This will
    launch the Metasploit console and ready the database for use with Metasploit.

(4) Unzip this archive into the Metasploit directory
    (e.g., c:\program files\rapid7\framework\)

(5) Create a shortcut (on your desktop maybe?) to armitage.bat and set the icon
    to icons\armitage.ico

 That's it. Now you can double-click your shortcut, Start MSF, and Armitage
    should just work.

In the future, all of these steps will be handled by the Metasploit installer.

If you want to use Armitage as a stand-alone client, navigate to: msf3/data/armitage
and double-click armitage.exe. This will launch Armitage without the pre-populated
database settings.

It is enough for this tutorial in future tutorials i will try to tell you all how to use amritage and also show you all about its features

I hope you all enjoyed this tutorial and if u feel any confusion or problem then you may ask in comments.


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