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7 Jul 2012

Hacking Windows Machine Using SET(Social Engineering Tools)

Hey all in this tutorial i will be telling you all how to hack windows machine using SET tool. As we lready discussed about some attacks using SET but this one is quite easy and also good working with lee time taking.

Things Required

  • Victim's machine--> Windows machine (java must be there in victim's machine)
  • Attacker's machine--> Backtrack(along with SET tools)

Now follow me_____!!!!!!

1. Open your SET tool by going in directory given below

 Applications-->Backtrack-->Exploitation Tools-->Social Engineering Tools-->Social Engineering Toolkit-->SET

2. After set opened select 1st option that is Social-Engineering Attacks and after that select option 2 that is Spear-Phishing Attack Vectors.

3. After that select option 1 that is Java Applet Attack Method and again select option 1 that is Web Templates.

4. After that select option 1 that is Java Required and then comes the payload. Select the pyalod you want in my condition i am taking Windows Reverse_TCP Meterpreter that is option 2 and after that we need to select encoder to make our backdoor undetectable. I suggest you choosing option 2 that is shikata_ga_nai and after that comes port, i am using default port that is 443.

5. If everything will be ok then you will get screen something similar to the below image

6. Now use social-engineer or any trick and let victim surf your ip address(Attacker's ip) and also victim must run that application.

7. If everything goes right then you will screen similar to below image which shows that victim got hacked and we can now access victim's system easily.

8. Now we can do many things in victim system just by putting our shell.

I hope you all enjoyed this tutorial and if u feel any confusion or problem then you may ask in comments.

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